Tuesday 28 January 2014


Hi friends. I had some time to while away this afternoon, so I glued things to my nails. Here's a steampunk look using things from my craft drawer. Today you will learn a little bit about beading and jewellery supplies.


 My base is Revlon Hot For Chocolate.

The long metal thingy with the holes in it is a divider. They're great for helping multiple strands of beads stick together in a straight line. These can be purchased for cheap at your local bead store.

This triangular thingy is a connector. You can do pretty much anything with it. I have no idea where the gear thingies came from, or why I have them.

I hope this post was informative.


  1. WOW, love this post! I love Steampunk, am currently sorting out stuff to buy to make Steampunk jewellery. Never thought you can do your nails, this has inspired me to try it out for myself. Thank you. :D

    Toria (toria-creativemine.blogspot.co.uk)

  2. This is so fantastic I might spontaneously combust. :D

  3. Awesome! I actually saved a link on my phone a few weeks ago of some steampunk nails :P

  4. Sooo cool and deliciously impractical. :D

  5. HEHEHE You guys are so weird! Tha'ts why I love it so much! This would never make it out the door before something fell off-but oh so freakin cool!


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