Tuesday 21 January 2014

Neon Pop! Oh, and Varnished Valkyrie turns 2 today!! Huzzah!!

Sorry I haven't been updating often, but I have been having bouts of insomnia and it leaves me feeling drained.  I'm hoping that passes soon.  I have nothing really interesting to share apart from I made the best slow cooker ribs ever.  The end.

Today I have this simple manicure inspired by Silvia Lace Nails: Textured nail art with a subtle splash of neon.  I loved how the colour looked just popping through the black textured polish.  For mine I used Milani's Dude Blue and Zoya's Dahlia.  I kind of changed up the french as you can see.  It's still simple, but a but a bit funky.  And even though the textured polish was layered over polish it still wore like iron.

In celebration of turning 2 don't forget to check out our 2 year anniversary wishlist giveaway!!


  1. That is so cool! I have to try that some time. *looks around* Yours looks better. ;) I love the off-set extra lines of color.

  2. Awesome, Kas! Really crisp and cute, and I love the difference in textures. Sorry to hear about the insomnia, though--it's the worst, and I know it really does leave you wiped...which you'd think would help you sleep, but no, that would make FAR too much sense... >_<

    Congratulations on your delishus ribs, and oh yeah, on Varnished Valkyrie's anniversary! WOOT!! ♥ ♥ ♥

  3. Happy blogiversary!!! w00t!!
    Great mani - I love how the blue peeks out!

  4. Happy blogiversary from me too - that mani is so hot, a nice way of celebrating...
    Insomnia is to be taken seriously, try to leave computers, phones etc. alone/close them at least 3 hours before bed...

    1. If I have a phone switched on/access to the internet in my bedroom I sleep terribly bad, wake up feeling like I have been drinking way too much without even touching a drop....

  5. Happy blogoversary! :)
    I love this manicure!

  6. Cool manicure, I love the colours and crisp lines! :-) Happy blogiversary! :-)

  7. Happy Blogoversary! Is that a real word or did we all just make that up? Anyway, I hope your insomnia clears up soon, I hope all your future slow-cooker ribs are just as epic and I hope you continue to make freakin' fantastic manicures like this for us to drool over.

  8. Happy blogaversary! Somehow I knew of your blog but wasn't following you, and that's ridiculous. All sorted now. Like I said on IG, great blue neon. It really creates a contrast that stands out and that I love ;)

  9. happy 2nd blogbirthday! this is a lovely manicure!

  10. Wow!!! el azul sobre el negro es genial!
    Ah! y feliz aniversario ^^

  11. Wow, this mani looks so cute :)


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