Thursday 5 December 2013

Nail Polish Canada Nail Art Challenge. Week 2 - Decorations: Finally the perfect opportunity to do my half naked, sexy, Christmas, Merman nails.

So I meant to do these nail a couple days ago.  BUT as usual my laptop was messing up again.  This is probably old news on this blog, there always is something wrong with it.  I was lucky that this time I was able to resolve the problem in a somewhat timely manner, thanks to my friend who keeps me warm during the long winters night...the internet. 

So this week is the second in Nail Polish Canada's Holiday nail polish challenge.  This was actually really easy for me to choose what I wanted to do.  A few years back I remember seeing a company(Diamonds of the Sea) that made Christmas tree ornaments, and they had a whole series that is mainly different sexy mermen.  Amazing, I know.  While they are all tree ornaments I decided to stick close to the Christmas spirit and do Jingle Merman(Although Officer Ripped Merman was a close second).  The description of him on the website is as follows:

Jingle Merman Christmas Ornament joins the December Diamonds Merman Collection. Come sit on Santa's lap and let's talk about the first thing that pops up. Just saying'… that sounds like Jingle Bells to my ear.


So for the nails I used everything from nail polish, to acrylic paint, to glitter.  My thumb and pinky are both part of his tail, my ring finger are his abs, middle finger his Santa hat, and finally my index finger says 'Been Nice?'.  I wanted to say 'Naughty' but I don't have the skills to write a word that long on my nails.

Anyways if you like that, please go over here and vote ( for this sexy merman.


  1. Excellent! Love the Mani! And now I want the ornament! The guy in real life would be better (as a guy, not half fish)!!

  2. How cool! Awesome idea! :D

  3. He is quite an ornament - never saw anything like him - and you did a great job with your Merman inspired mani :)

  4. this is hysterical!! perfect!


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