Wednesday 27 November 2013

Nail Polish Canada Nail Art Challenge. Week 1 - Snow: When all else fails, do a Doctor Who manicure

When I was invited to do Nail Polish Canada's nail art challenge I thought "Why not?"  Normally I don't do things like these because I loose interest quickly.  But since this is once a week for 3 weeks, I think I can do it.

This week's theme is 'Snow'.  Now I know what you are thinking.  And no they don't mean Snow, the Canadian reggae sensation.  They mean solid water that is 0° or less.  As we all know by now I hate snow, it's cold and it tastes funny.   I was less than inspired.  So I thought maybe I could connect something I liked to snow.  So I thought Doctor Who ---> Snowmen made from telepathic snow!  Perfect.   Although it is kind of funny because I actually am not of fan of the episode they were in(The Snowmen).  Thought it could have been better for a Christmas episode.  Hopefully this year will be more exciting with 11 regenerating.

To do this mani I started with a base of Butter London Big Smoke.  The rest was done using China Glaze Glittering Garland, Fairy Dust, and White Ice.  Along with a white Wet n Wild(Cant find a name), Essie Pretty Edgy and acrylic paint for the Snowman's teeth.

If you like this mani.  Head on over to Nail Polish Canada and vote for me here(Yup it's a challenge where you can win things.)  Just scroll down the drop down box till you reach

Is there snow where you are?


  1. Cute & way scaaary! LOL I don't watch Dr.Who, but I keep trying to start when marathons are on TV. I think maybe I've seen a total of 4 full episodes. Oh well! I love your unique snow theme inspiration. Oh! And it snowing a like muttha here in my neck of the woods :(

  2. I don't like snow either, and fortunately we haven't had any snow here yet - *touches wood*!
    I absolutely love your snowman!! <3

  3. EPIC!! i still havent seen this one! i am lacking the entire knowledge of season 7!

  4. No snow here either - and that's fine for now :)
    Your mani is absolutely gorgeous, I love it snow much ;)

  5. I like it. They are really good!

  6. subway murat professed continuance Fianna sverdlin eagle barrowclough Supriya
    Jeux de beauté

  7. It's perfect, I love the winter scenery! :-) No snow for now! :-)

  8. It looks amazing! No snow in Ukraine yet :)

  9. i actually like the taste of snow, especially fresh with some sugar. and yes i'm 100% serious.


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