Tuesday 12 November 2013

Black on Rainbow: My first rainbow gradient

For the first time in a long time I did something the other day that I hadn't done in years.  I fell off the bed.  I wasn't laying down either, I was sitting at the edge and gracefully toppled over backwards.  Luckily I put my hand out and caught myself on a step stool I had.  I ended up breaking my thumb nail on my left hand when I caught myself.  But looking back I'm grateful.  It was either me, or the nail.

My design today was inspired by these nails by More Nail Polish(who was inspired by other blogger, who were inspired by other bloggers :P).  I decided that since I had these black circular rhinestones from KKCenterHk's Candy Series I would do it in reverse.  Black on rainbow!

I'm honestly pretty bad at gradients and rarely do them.  This is maybe my 4rd attempt.  I painted all the colours(Red, yellow, green, blue, and purple) on a makeup sponge and dabbed it against my nails which already had white polish on them.  It was MUCH easier then I the past few times I did it.  And although it's not perfect I still think it looks good. The only thing I would do differently next time is do the colours in reverse so the red isn't near the cuticles.  It was flippin hard to clean!

Then I  easily placed the solid black rhinestones.  They are 2mm in diameter and they say they include around 100 rhinestones.  If I were to take a guess I would say there was well over 100 in the bottle it came in.  I used 20 and you would never know I used any if looking in the container.  My only "problem"(and reason I only did the row of black as an accent nails) was it's really hard too see what side was the top or thw bottom when you were picking them up.  The colours in the Candy Series are solid colours unlike their other rhinestones, which are transparent, and have silver bottoms, making the bottom easy to identify.   It also probably doesn't help that my eyes are bad.

Overall I really did love these rhinestones!  If you want some head on over to KKCenterHK they also come in MANY other colours.  They retail for $4.50 USD, but you can use our 15% coupon code 'varnishedvalkyrieevent15off' and get them for a bit less :D

What do you think of my gradient?

You have to look close to see if you are picking it up from the top or the bottom.

*Product sent for honest review


  1. This is a really cute mani!! Very creative. Glad your fall wasn't worse.

  2. A rainbow!! I love rainbows, and I think you did a really cool gradient!

  3. I love, love, love this one, your rainbow gradient is perfect!

  4. DUDE THIS IS FREAKIN AWESOME! Yes it needed to be said in all caps

  5. Wow, this is so pretty! I really love your rainbow gradient! :D

    ~ Yun

  6. LOVE IT! The fact that it's rough makes the overall effect better, in my opinion.

  7. I'm in that same gradient boat with you! I just can;t seem to get them right. But also like you, my most recent gradient that i attempted came out good! I love how your gradient came out, it has a cool swirly, artsy effect. those black studs are the perfect compliment!

  8. Awesome rainbow gradient! :-) Lately also I enjoy various kinds of rhinestones :-)


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