Sunday 6 October 2013

The worst, most disappointing review you will ever read. We tried.

Hello friends! Today I want to show you a beautiful flakie polish from Born Pretty Store. I want to, but I really can't.

Dazzling Starry Magical Multicolored Shell Glitter Nail Art Polish Varnish in colour #4 is a "classic" flakie with a standard orange-green shift and hits of fuschia, giving it a bit more interest than most regular flakies. This polish has a slightly purple-tinted base, so it looks best over darker or well-saturated colours.

Now, let me tell you, I absolutely suck at taking photos. I blow hard at colour accuracy. My lighting is never quite right. My hands can never stay still enough to get the right angles. THIS POLISH WAS IMPOSSIBLE TO PHOTOGRAPH. Kas came over and we worked on this for 2 hours. We were ready to give up on life. So I need you to trust me when I say that in real life, it's absolutely gorgeous.

My base colour here is OPI Lincoln Park After Dark.

 We tried to take comparison shots for you, with Essie Shine of the Times. We failed. Base colour is NOPI Fell From The Tree. You can kinda see how the Sweet polish has that hint of pink.


This is really all I can show you. All of our other photos represent failure on a mass scale and I'm deeply ashamed.

So if you believe me when I say this polish actually is really great, head over to Born Pretty Store and grab a bottle for only $8.99! Don't forget our coupon code for 10% off.

*Product sent for honest review
**We know we suck. We'll try harder next time. We're really sorry.


  1. I'm gonna believe, because when you blow up that first pic you can really see some amazingly fiery colours all up in there, and they look seriously amazing. (@_@)

  2. "We were ready to give up on life." Hahaha you guys are hysterical!! Looks good to me BTW!! Essie Shine of the Times is one of my faves. This polish is pretty too!!

  3. I love your posts! And! I hope you guys had fun while you tried :D


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