Tuesday 29 October 2013

China Glaze - Cast A Spell: Let's have a serious chat about ghosts, and Christmas.

First of all unlike aliens I can't say if I believe in ghosts or not.  They may be real, they may not be.  I don't know.  I do know one thing though, if ghosts do exist they are creepy.  Not in an "Eep that's a dead person" kind of way, they are creepy in a sketchy kind of way.  When I think of ghosts I think "Oh, so are you watching me do stuff...that's weird".  Think of how many people have died.  I sometimes wonder is my room is filled with non threatening sketch ghosts.  Are they lurking during special cuddles time?  I wonder at times if ghosts are invading my privacy.  This is something that troubles me.

Now the polish is from last years China Glaze Halloween collection.  I actually bough it last year in December.  I found it and I thought it would be perfect for my friend as part of her Christmas gift. Then the minute I brought it home I immediately changed my mind and decided it was mine.   It does not count as taking back a gift if they never got it.

Cast A Spell is a black base full of olive/gold shimmer.  It went on like a dream in almost one coat.  But I did need a second for a bit of patchiness.  It is soooooooooooooooooooooo pretty in real life.  Had the sun come out for a bit longer today I would have had to have taken photos outdoors.

If you can still find this, I suggest you all go out and buy it!  It's such a fantastic shade.  I'm so glad I decided to keep this :)

 Flash *A-AH*


  1. That is one of my favorite polishes. It looks black and then you look again, no wait, it's a gorgeous dark olive green with gold flecks. I loved wearing this last year. I had forgotten all about it until now.

  2. I just went and ordered this polish because of you...gorgeous!

    1. I feel it's safe to say you wont regret it :)

  3. Lol now I have another reason to fear ghosts; they are sketchy creepy peeping toms!

  4. Shame on me, this one is still among my (too many) untrieds, it's gorgeous, and your swatches are beautiful!

  5. Oh my gosh, this is STUNNING! Yes, awesome for Halloween, but it's just a fabulously rich polish, and it looks ridiculously gorgeous on you, Kas. I totally wannit now!!

    Also yes, the idea of "always with us" ghosts kinda ishes me too, in much the same way I used to feel about Santa "always watching." Shudder.

  6. That is surprisingly pretty! And I feel the same way about the whole ghosts/spirits/always with you thing..

  7. that's gorgeous! I totally believe in ghosts, aliens too :)

  8. Gorgeous nail polish! :)


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