Friday 30 August 2013

You want me to pay how much for glitter?

I'll pass.

First off let me say I have no problem getting high end polishes.  I have quite a few, and I love them all.  But when I get more expensive brands they have to have a little something more to them.  They need to give me a reason to want to pay that much for them.  Dior has these new limited edition sparkling powders available through their website and Nordstrom.  The pack contains a fixing base, as well as black and gold glitter.  It comes to a total of $48USD.  Now I love Dior.  One of my favourite polishes I own is Dior, but as pretty as this looks, I could not pay that much for what essentially clear polish and loose glitter.

I had a 1.5oz bottle of Martha Stewart glitter in Onyx.  A sparkling black glitter I had been sitting on for almost 2 years.  I think I paid $5 for it at the time.  Used my essence Black is Back and just dumped the glitter on top of the wet polish(over a piece of paper).  I used a nail art brush to easily get rid of the excess.  When I was done I carefully poured the glitter back in the jar.  And while application was messy(and I'm assuming more messy than the Dior one because you apply those with brushes), I was easy to clean up.  It was super pretty, especially in person.  It would be great for a fun, yet more classy night out.  The only thing I would do differently next time would be to put the glitter over a layer of topcoat.  In the end Ii may not be EXACTLY the same, but it's good enough for me!

You can get a bottle of the Martha Stewart glitter on Amazon, and I'm sure you can find it in any craft store that sells Martha Stewart craft products.

Any thoughts out there?



  1. I love this post. I don't really care what people spend their money on, but still I can't see the point in buying something just because it has a certain name written on it.

  2. This looks great! And I totally agree with you, there's no reason that a kit including a simple polish and a jar of loose glitter should cost that much, especially when it's known to all that these things are not worth that amount.

  3. I agree!!! This look is great and no need to spend big bucks on something you can get at a craft store for just a couple dollars :)

  4. I purchased that Dior set not realizing it was some BS. I exchanged it for two polishes. I think what you did in this mani looks 10x better than what that set would have looked like.

  5. "I call that getting swindled and pimped." :) Great post. So true.

  6. why pay $50 when you already have the same thing for a tenth of the price? I would have passed on dior also.

  7. LOL, yes, sometimes we really are cheated, that's for sure - it's annoying....

  8. this came out incredibly gorgeous!

  9. I agree, $48 is just too much... I like your "home made" Dior manicure! :-)

  10. yeah that's just....for people with too much money.
    i have that same martha stewart glitter ive had for probably the same amount of time and thats the route i would take as well.

  11. I would definitely pass on the Dior... $48 is way too steep for me. The Martha Stewart glitter is awesome for just a fraction of the cost. It looks so pretty and sparkly on you! :D

    ~ Yun

  12. Love your Franken! :)


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