Tuesday 6 August 2013

Let's all take a moment to remeber the 80's.

So I had been wanting to try some of these nail art water decals for a while.  I had seen them before and always loved how they looked.  Anyways if you go over to the Born Pretty Store you'll see that they have A LOT of decals so I knew it was going to be hard to choose.  That's when I remembered something.  Missy from Gnarly Gnails had done a review.  Half her decals were woman and man stuff(you'll see what I mean) and the other half was just a denim explosion.  It was that, that caught mt attention.  I actually looked online to see if anyone had used those.... no one.  I could not understand why.  Look at them!!! Stylin' denim 80's wear... on your NAILS!!!  So it was at that moment I knew I had to be the one to share this majesty with the world.  Because if that's not perfection I don't know what is.

Look at these snazzy, bad boys.  Look at all those details, barely a printer line or garish sticker outline.  Application was as easy as slipping on you favourite pair of jeans.  Cut out what design you want, dip it in some eau and it slides right off onto your nail!  I placed them over a multitude of colours and holographic glitter.  This is my homage to the 80's.

Overall I think these are fantastic!  I'm all for easy nail art!  And you know what?  These are fun, unique, and they only cost $3.99.  And you can use these for multiple manicures easily!  If you would like some for even less use our 10% discount code EAL91.  Use it on anything on the site :) Oh and did I mention free shipping!

See what I mean by woman and man stuff?
 Instructions on back
And here's are coupon code again!

*Product sent for honest review.


  1. I will go to this site if you agree to forward $2000 to this Nigerian prince I know of. Don't worry he'll pay you back! It's just so he can start up his business!

  2. Hahaha, they are really cool - love 'em :)

  3. I might need to get hold of this set - imagine glasses on your nails, haha!! :D

  4. Oh my word, this made my day! Hahahahahahahahahah

  5. I love the mani you did with them! :)

  6. oog i love this! very bright and 80s!

  7. Haha your mani is totally awesome! And I just love the details on those water decals. I think I need to get my hands on some water decals soon. :D

    ~ Yun

  8. Awesome manicure, I like these decals! :-)

  9. omg so love! that glittery background mani MAKES this. and it also makes me remember just how old i've become!!! <3


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