Friday 16 August 2013

Bondi New York - Lady Liberty: The lemming I never knew I wanted.

Well sort of.  For the longest time I wanted a polish that was the same colour as the Statue of Liberty(as it is now).  Not only that but I REALLY wanted the polish to also be inspired by the her.  I know another brand had a polish based on the statue a few years ago, but I missed out on that.  So when I saw Bondi New York had one I jumped on that faster than a monkey on a bed.

I've actually been to the Statue of Liberty once when I was maybe 10 or so.  I was visiting family with my mother.  And at the time she was having some work done so we couldn't climb her. I've been to NYC quite a few times since then but I have never gone back to the Statue.  I'm not actually much of a touristy person.  Despite the fact that I have spent weeks in that city I've never even been inside Central Park, I don't have a photo of myself in Times Square, and I don't have any intention to go to Madame Tussauds wax museum.

Lady Liberty is the oxidized blue green colour of the Statue of Liberty.  The formula was fantastic as like the first Bondi New York polish I tried NYPD.  Like that one I only needed 2 coats.  Although I will say this one bubbled a tiny bit.  Once I put on top coat all was forgotten.  And can I just say(well of course I can say it.  It IS my blog) I think colours like this look fantastic on me. I was sad when I had to take it off earlier than planned after my botched attempts and nail art.


  1. OH, Kas, that is just so perfect - and no, you do not like it, I know, so I will forward you my address, right ;)

  2. Wow, that's a seriously great polish! It looks fantastic on you!

  3. Gorg and YES it looks great on you hunty!

  4. this is soooo pretty. and i love the inspiration :) you better come back to NYC so we can hang out! (or maybe come to DC)

  5. Ah yes, that is one gorgeous shade!! I love how intense and bright it is. It looks stunning on you! :D

    ~ Yun

  6. Gorgeous and it does look good on your nails! :-)

  7. Amazing color! <3


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