Saturday 20 July 2013

Flash Giveaway! Trivia Edition!

So George is going away to the America again(she was just there), so we decided to have a little giveaway since shipping from there is much cheaper!  You can win this cute mini glitter set from Kleancolor!

Black OutV.I.P., Kiss Goodbye, Grande Finale(5th picture), 24 Carat, Peaceful Heart. Minus Peaceful Heart none of the links are ours.  But you should totally check out the other peoples fab blogs too!

All you have to do to in order to win is answer one trivia question correctly and follow us.  The question is:

What is Kas's favourite musical group? (Answer in the widget NOT the comment section of the blog)

Here are the detailed rules:

1) International(minus countries that have shipping restrictions.  Here's looking at you Italy)
2) Must be a follower.
3) Must answer trivia question in Rafflecopter widget (DO NOT POST IN COMMENT SECTION IT WILL BE DELETED).
4) Ends Monday at Midnight EST.
5) Winner must answer within 24 hours.
6) 3 entries can be earned.  But the only way you can win this prize is by getting the trivia question question correct.  So your comment entry can be the chosen one but if your trivia answer is wrong you are no longer the winner.
7) If no one gets the answer the prize will be put aside and we will have another flash giveaway with it in the near future.  A lot of people got it so far, so we will have a winner!
8) ETA MUST ADD YOUR EMAIL SO WE CAN CONTACT YOU!  I completely forgot to put that in the widget originally.  If you already entered and didn't do this(I know how many there were before I added this) either add it and if you don't I will go through those people and if you got the trivia question correct I will add a bonus point.  If you win hopefully your email you used for rafflecopter is one you check.  And if one of those people win we will be more lenient with the 24 hour response time.  Sorry!

Good Luck!

 This is our package.  It's new and unopened.  The only reason I posted out photo second is because I though the picture I took of them was blah.  I will hopefully find swatches later today. Swatches above.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Replies
    1. Really? For some reason I didn't think this would show up :P

  2. I don't really know that many of his musicals. I've seen a setup of Jesus Christ Superstar, but the main reason I didn't like it was that Jesus were spitting so much that you got hit if you were sitting on one of the first five rows. I sat on row three...

  3. I am not a big musical fan, so cannot answer that one :p

  4. Musicals really aren't my thing at all....

  5. Evita. Please don't get me wrong, it was beautiful! But one summer my sister went through an Evita phase so she watched it EVERY...SINGLE...DAY! That's a legit excuse right??

  6. I am not sure... I need to be more knowledgeable to answer that properly. I feel so ignorant :(

  7. Cats. As much as I wanted to love it as I'm a crazy cat lady...its was just terrible and depressing. and weird.

  8. Phantom of the Opera!!! Can we say overwrought? Ugh.

  9. I am from Greece and Realy don't know very much about that!!

  10. I'm not a big fan of Evita.
    Thanks for the great blog and fun giveaway! <3

  11. Honestly, I do not listen to music, not even music my peers listen too . . . So this one is tough. *frowny face*

  12. Oh well another wrong guess... I don't even think i read it right haha.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. I would have to say Cats, although I haven't watched it in the theater yet. Maybe it's because I saw it on film when I was too young to appreciate it. :D

  15. Well I've liked all I've seen (Cats, Evita, Jesus Christ Superstar, Phantom of the Opera) Obviously my fav is Jesus Christ Superstar and least favorite of those is probably Cats...

    BUT supposedly Jeeves is actually like bad. So yeah I'm gonna guess it would be that one.

  16. Oh hard question:)Because I'm not his big fan,but I rally like Cats and Phantom of the Opera. My least favourite one is Whistle Down the Wind.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. i wish to win this beautiful prize!!!

  19. Jesus Christ Superstar!!

    HOPE TO WIN!!!!!

  20. Jesus Christ Superstar

    hope to win!!!!

  21. thanks for the giveaway. I hopeeeeee

  22. I have to say Cats is my least favorite. Im a cat lover but not in a musical setting :)

  23. I am from India..So cannot answer the question ...

  24. Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat

  25. My fav was Phantom of the Oprah, but did not like Evita or Cats.

  26. Jesus Christ Superstar

  27. jesus christ superstar

  28. The Phantom of the Opera - yup, I went there!

  29. Cats, although I might hate it less if it wasn't so overhyped.

  30. Evita is my least favourite one.

  31. I have never seen a musical, but would love to see many of them!

  32. I don't really like Evita.


We love comments as much as we like bacon! And we LOVE bacon! But if you want us to check you out please go to the contact us tab up top and feel free to send us a message. Please don't SPAM!