Sunday 28 July 2013

Femme Fatale - Planar Anomalies: What are you?!?!?

First off let me start off my saying Happy Birthday Mum!!! Because it's her birthday, but I'm sure you deduced that when I said Happy Birthday Mum.  Of course I am making her dinner tonight, a fish dish with salmon, swordfish, and tuna!  Along with some other yummies!

Now onto the polish. Femme Fatale Planar Anomalies, is quite the anomaly.  On the website it says that this colour is almost impossible to photograph.  I though "Pffffftttttt bring it on, I will capture you one way or another".  It's safe to say my photos show you pieces of this polish but I wasn't able to show you all the pieces together.  I failed you. *Hangs head in shame*.

Planar Anomalies is another glitter polish.  It has a black base that is full of micro shimmer that shifts between green-pink.  It is also full of tiny, small and medium holographic glitter and tiny, small, medium, large and extra large black matter glitter.  Indoors the polish is very unassuming.  It's like one of those people you see and you think, "There's something about you... I don't know what it is.  You're interesting to look at and you're pretty, but I feel like there's something else to you".  Then you see it in the sunlight and you think "You sparkly majestic creature you!".  (That sounded like Twilight, but my review has a much better storyline).  When I took it out in the sun the shift between green and pink was really there.  There was actually a lot of green shimmer going on but for some reason I could not get it on camera as I saw it.  Also another thing that this pictures don't show you is just how holo it was,  it was going super crazy in the sun.  And the black glitter isn't obvious, but you can see it.  It's has this really neat subtle look to it.  I decided to use one coat over my Essence black.  It was easy to put on but could get a bit finicky if you started playing with it.

Overall I really love this.  It is super unique and again like Tricky Treats was super easy to use especially when you see all the glitter in it.

If you would like a bottle full size bottles are 12ml and you can find them online at Llarowe (USA), Harlow & Co (Canada),Shoppe Eclecticco & Beauty so Fly (Singapore), Ledouxnuage (France) and Norway Nails (Norway).  They are $13 USD but of course that price will vary slightly depending where you get them. And if you are in Australia you can order straight through them!

 Best shot I could get of the holo
 Natural light, indoors
 One coat without base colour

*Product was sent for honest review.


  1. Breathtaking! I am obsessed!

  2. I haven't seen this beauty in real life, but your photos are great!

  3. Jaw-droppingly beautiful - your swatches are great!!!

  4. this is such a beautiful, and complex glitter!

  5. Wow, that's really stunning! I love all the different colors twinkling from the dark base! :)

    ~ Yun


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