Friday 24 May 2013

The Art of Doing Nothing

So as you probably know I sort of like a group called Take That.  Or have I not mentioned that?  Oh yes I have.  If you didn't know this chances are you are new here.  But I'm also a fan of the stuff the members do on their own.  Case and point Mark Owen.

I decided to use some art work from his up coming album The Art of Doing Nothing.  Which is due for release on June 10th of this year.

I like how it's one of those manicures.  Where people may not understand what it means so they have to ask.  I like conversation starter manicures.   And it was really easy to do.  Who doesn't like a simple mani?  Horrible, soulless people, that's who.  Elizabeth Bathory would hate this.

Check out his first single Stars off of The Art of Doing Nothing. 


Stay tuned tomorrow for part 2 of my NCLA Nail Wrap review.


  1. That's a super cool inspiration and nail art!!

  2. Haha great post, and great mani! It's simple, and it's inspired by something you love. :-)

    ~ Yun

  3. that's a funny manicure! and it looks good too!

  4. Awesome idea,and I love the mani

  5. Love love love! And that gif. Total cuteness!

  6. Awwww I LOVE THIS! So different and cool!

  7. this is so cool!! it looks just like the cover!

  8. That's inspirational if there ever was such a thing. So cool!!

  9. HAHA-sorry I have no idea who they are-but I am digging this mani. So does this make me soulless?

  10. Hahaha how did you do this though? Did you write it on with a sharpie?? It looks so awesome!!


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