Wednesday 8 May 2013

And the winner is... *drum roll*

First of all thank you all for entering!  It's nice to see so many people who love reading! So long story short we got over 50 entries(amazing guys) and we(George, Kas and Robyn) read them all and cut it down to 9 for Amy to read.  Then she choose a winner and runners up(just in case something happened and we needed a new winner).  So who is the winner you ask?

Onemused - Jackaroo polish!!!

 Onemused(aka Olivia) will have 24 hours to respond!

And then for runners up

Jen - Hobbit polish based on Smaug
Thea Adam - Tiffany Aching polish

And now a message from Amy:

Honestly I would love to make all three of these! The rest of the ideas were awesome too, it was truly difficult to choose.

I ultimately chose Onemused as the winner because I love the book, Jackaroo by Cynthia Voight, and the polish sounds like the most interesting challenge to me, a gold/green duochrome holo. I haven't been able to stop thinking about it for the last few days, actually, and I already bought Jackaroo for my Kindle to re-read it.

Thank you to everyone for your beautiful, creative ideas!


Note: Sorry I meant to post this yesterday but I got home late and could barely keep my eyes open. - Kas

Ps.  In case you were curious these were the top 9(in alphabetical order):

Caro Dee
Iroshi Windwalker
Jen Sky Walker
noxy minogue
Rainbowify Me
Thea Adam

Congrats to all of you and everyone else who entered! Hope to see you for our next giveaway!


  1. Ahhh! Words cannot describe my excitement! :D Thank you so so much!!!!

    1. Congratulations! Please send us some pictures of your polish when you get it, we'd love to see it!

  2. Congrats to Onemused! I can't see what the polish looks like.

  3. congrats to onemused! I am glad to be in the top 9 - and I can't wait to see the polish created from onemused's idea! :)

  4. Congratulations!
    I'm happy to see myself in the top 9 :)

  5. Congrats Onemused! The polish does sound seriously epic! And so freaking chuffed that I'm a runner up! Heeeeeee! Awesome giveaway ladies! Can't wait for the next one!

  6. Congrats onemused! Curious to see the polish created, it sounds beautiful! I am beyond thrilled to be a runner up as well! Very unique giveaway and it was really fun!

    (sorry if I double post, it seems my first comment got eaten but will now probably show up lol)

  7. Oooh I made it in the top 9? That's cool! ^_^ Looking forward to seeing the new polish!


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