Sunday 14 April 2013

Maybelline Denim Dash

These photos has been sitting on my computer for a few days and I keep meaning to post them but I have been exhausted due to a lack of sleep(every couple of months I'll have like 2 weeks where I can only sleep ever other night...It's great).  And my neck has been KILLING me.  But that was well worth it.  Hickey and all.

Yeah, I think I'm going to talk about the polish now.

This is my first encounter with any Maybelline polish.  A good friend of mine bought it for me for Christmas.  I actually got to choose between this and Styled out.  But I already had a similar colour.  Anyways I love this colour!  It's a rich sky blue that has silvery-blue flecks in it.  It needed a couple drops of thinner but apart from that it dried in 2 easy coats.  The finish was matte(which is neat because it is part of their denim line) but I ended up using topcoat.  I wanted to last longer.  My only problem was the brush.  Well not so much an problem as a personal preference.  I don't like my brushes that floppy.  I like them a bit stiff so I can have a bot more control(that sounds a bit naughty eh?).

While I never really paid much attention to these polishes I think I'm going to have to start paying more attention to them.

Coming soon: More badass nail art!  Did I hear chains? Also I'm about to go out for sushi.  It's not nail related.  But in my humble opinion it's still news worthy.  What's you favourite thing to order when you go out for sushi?

 In its natural matte state

I was feeling fancy so I added sequins.


  1. I have and love this polish! One of the best Maybelline so far!

  2. Very beautiful nail polish and manicure! :)

  3. I like it in both versions, maybe I like the matte version a little bit more :-) Beautiful colour! :-)

  4. I like this much better on you than when I saw it in stores..

  5. Haha! :P
    Lovely blue! It's quite a striking color on you! :D

    ~ Yun

  6. I love the shiny version so much!! I have this one too.

  7. Great look! is there a good green? I'm looking for something similar to Kelley green.

  8. Love this one, definitely gonna see if I can get my hands on it!

  9. It actually looks really nice matte! Your swatch is gorgeous <3

  10. OHMG, this is in mye untried stash - huge mistake...
    It's gorgeous!!

  11. lol you make me laugh. this is so pretty!

  12. I love it with its satin finish! And to me sushi is okaaay :/ I love the rolls but I dislike the authentic stuff, I don't get the hype! But I'm real big on texture with my food which is why I love pasta so much.

  13. So stunning, Kas, and it really shows off your gorgeous nails!

    My favourite thing to order when I go out for sushi? That's easy. Sake. But the place downstairs also does this delicious soya tuna that's lightly seared and all kinds of NOM. Scallops are also a current fave.

    Hehe, hope that neck feels better! ^_^


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