Saturday 23 March 2013

Zoya Blaze - My Dilemma

Now you guys know all about my love/hate relationship with Zoya.  They make awesome colours, they apply well, but they don't tend to wear well on me.  I end up with tip wear or chipping SO MUCH FASTER than with most other brands.

But the pretty colours....

So Blaze, from their 2012 holiday collection, wasn't really on my radar.  It was pretty, but nothing I was going to pay $10 for.  In fact, I felt that way about the whole collection.  And then I found a few of them in a hair salon's bargain bin(Seriously, this salon sometimes has the BEST STUFF in that bin!), priced at $2 a polish.  And being that I have no self-control... They came home with me.

So Blaze is a raspberry polish(some say red, some say pink.. I say it's in between the two) with a scattered holo effect that makes it look really beautiful and deep in the right lights.  It was really flattering on my skin tone and really pretty without being over-the-top.

I have on three coats, though you could get away with two.  This picture was taken about.. 8 hours into wearing it? And there's already tip wear happening.  I'm not so nuts about that.  That shouldn't be a thing.  Come on, Zoya.

Did you guys pick up any of the Zoya Holiday 2012 polishes?


  1. I have the same issue with Zoya.. tip wear after just a few hours is no fun. such a shame too because I do love their colors.

  2. It's a pitty that you got the tip wear so quickly, but the colour is stunning and it looks great on you! :-)

  3. I bought all of the holiday collection polishes except the silver bar glitter one. I just wore Aurora, the purple holo glitter, for four days. I would have worn it longer, but I broke a nail :(

    Do you use base and top coat? I bought the zoya anchor & armor ones, but I didn't find they lasted any longer than a regular base & top coat combo. Any nail polish I wear without base and top chips within a few hours on me.

  4. I'm not a Zoya fan but I wonder if the Orly bonder would help? I did however purchase the Halo Hues that you posted, they are impressive! amazon was reasonable:)

  5. I picked that one up too along with Storm, Logan, and Ziv but haven't used them yet. I am currently wearing Robyn and it still looks as good now as when I first painted them. I use Seche Vite fast dry top coat and I believe it really does help all my manis from tip wear and chipping and it gives them a professional done in the salon look.


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