Monday 25 March 2013

Literary Lacquers - Roissey: Well aren't you a pleasant surprise!

 Literary Lacquers Roissey is inspired by Story of O Written by Anne Desclos under the pseudonym Pauline in 1954.  "Story of O is a tale of female submission about a beautiful Parisian fashion photographer, O, who is blindfolded, chained, whipped, branded, pierced, made to wear a mask, and taught to be constantly available. Despite her harsh treatment, O grants permission beforehand for everything that occurs, and her permission is consistently sought."

Out of all the polishes in this recent collection inspired by erotic fiction this was the one in the bottle I didn't know how I felt about.  It was like when you meet someone and you think "I just met you and I don't know what to think of you.  I need to hang around you more so I can see where I stand."  So this manicure hung out with me all day!

Turns out I really like it! Huzzah! Roissey is a Royal blue shimmer that has bits of purple shimmer peaking through.  It also contains black shredded glitter which I find gives it a gritty feeling(and I don't mean gritty to the touch because on that note it's not.) I mean it gives the polish as a whole a kind of gritty vibe.  Which seems to go along perfectly with the book it was inspired by.

Now the polish was a bit on the thin side.  Normally you could get away with 3 coats but I needed 4.  And that's mainly because due to the polishes thin nature and my yellow nails.  So I would end up with patches when the polish looked green.

Depending on the lighting you are in the polish can range from very sheer looking to completely opaque.  Direct light gives it the sheer illusion.  In everyday normal indoor lighting it looks mostly like the 4th(taken indoor with artificial lighting on my phone) or 3rd photo depending on how bright the room is.

You can find these polishes and more over at Literary Lacquers Etsy shop here.   The polishes(15ml bottles) retail for $10USD.  And follow Literary Lacquers on facebook.  Oh also once the page hits 1000 followers there will be a big giveaway! More to come from Literary Lacquer tomorrow!

*Products were sent for honest review.


  1. This is pretty, but definitely with a blue base coat. 4 coats is too much otherwise. :-)

    ~ Yun

    1. I should have added I tried it on a blue base coat close in colour BUT it killed the shredded glitter. I would have tried it over a lighter blue but I didn't have any that went with it. But that's an idea :P

  2. I like the story but not so wild about the inspired polish:)

  3. It's beautiful - and probably also would be good for layering!

  4. This manicure could hang out with me all week! :-)


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