Thursday 7 February 2013

The Valentine Nightmare

And yes I do realize that this may be someone else's dream.  But it is my nightmare.  It's not even a Valentines nightmare.  It's just a general nightmare at the moment.  I have no money, I'm selfish and I want to be able to sit in a unventilated room with my nail polish, without the worry it causing whatever rooted itself inside of me to keep it's tail and grow gills(THAT'S WHAT POLISH DOSE TO BABIES! FACT(that I made up)!)  One day in the future maybe.  But for sure not now.

As you could probably tell I'm not one for Valentines day.  My idea of romance is chicken wings with a side of Guinness.  I'm not a hearts and roses kind of girl.  So I really didn't know what to do.  I did a scientifically romantic one last year.  I'm pretty sure that was the only Valentine nail idea floating around in my head in general, because I had nothing this year.  I decided to do this because when you get down to the nitty-gritty of it this is a possible valentines day gift!

By the way if you still haven't figured out what this is it's a bunch of sperm Michael Phelpsing their way to an egg.

All I used for this was Essence Ultimate Pink,  OPI Lincoln Park After Dark Suede, and some microbeads and acrylic paint.

I have one more v-day mani.  It's less graphic and more distasteful.



  1. Bahaha. Cracked up at "Michael Phelphsing".

  2. Hahaha, you made me laugh :) I'm not a hearts and roses kind of girl either, so I love this one!

  3. Hahaha this was great,you just made my morning a whole lot better:)awesome idea!

  4. Hahahaha! This made me laugh but you actually nailed it. Looks really nice :p

  5. Haha, this is the most brilliant V-day's mani! :D

  6. You are amazing! This is amazing! I'm a little jealous that I didn't think of it, but I'm really happy that you did because I'm enjoying it immensely!

  7. This is fantastic!! you even managed to make it look chic, sophisticated even! I love it!

  8. This is fantastic!! you even managed to make it look chic, sophisticated even! I love it!

  9. OMG! I absolutely love it! if a man gave that instead of roses, women would actually have a love that lasted forever

  10. This is by far the funniest interpretation of a valentines day mani I've ever seen in my life. I love your sense of humour!! :D <3

  11. This is the most strange and funny idea of Valentine's day manicure that I've ever seen! And it is perfect! :-) Great idea and great job! :-)

  12. There is something truly wrong with you and I LOVE IT!!! This is so wrong its awesome!!! You and I need to be BFFs!

    1. IRL you would either love me or or be really, really, really weirded out by me. Actually probably a combination :D

  13. Hahahaha you would. This is glorious! And very direct...I like it.

  14. lol this is coolest mani ever, love it :D
    no additional explanations needed, the manicure is so recognizable ;)

  15. Kas! I love this SO HARD. It's both full-on hilarious and really beautifully done. Bookmarking to show Husband, 'cause he's gonna love it too. ;)

    I wish you the beer-and-chicken-wing-iest Valentine's Day ever!

    1. Most of the time when someone says my manicure is good enough for a guy, I take that as the highest form of flattery. So thank you :)

  16. I just found your blog and it is hilarious! I love your nail art and your sense of humour!

  17. Well, that is different for sure. Ha ha ha.


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