Wednesday 20 February 2013

Holo-zebra-skully-rhinestone-geometric what is this hot mess I love it

Here's a quick design I did on Monday. I see a lot of great "mix" nail arts on Tumblr (my internet home...I'm one of those people), and have really wanted to try my own! I have trouble with pattern mixing (I have a very strict sense of what does and does not go together) so these were a fun challenge for me.

The pictures are lousy and don't show the holo well at all, please forgive me - was in a rush to get out the door for my beloved Monday night beer-and-hot tub extravaganza- but I loved how this turned out and really wanted to show you my first MIX!

 So as not to waste my precious GOSH Holographic Hero, I first applied 2 coats of a silver bargain bin polish. Anyone own/heard of Charm Limit? I have 2 and they wear pretty well. I used "Colour 14" (so glam, I love their names).  The ring finger and thumb detail is Orly Liquid Vinyl. An Art Deco striper polish was used for the middle finger and stamping. Zebra stamp from Bundle Monster, skull from Konad.

Since the whole design was done was done with stamps, tape and minimal freehanding, I was able to do both hands identically. Maybe that defeats the purpose of a mix? Who cares, I love it!


  1. This mix is great! I've always wanted to do a skittle mani like this but I can never figure out what to do...too many choices!

  2. ooh i love it! everything goes together really well! totally punk rock bad ass!

  3. Nice! I think these all go really well together. And apparently my Monday nights are in need of more beer and more hot tubs.

    1. I'm pretty sure everyone needs more of those things in their lives. It has increased my overall-relaxation factor tenfold.

  4. Really nice mix! I love the little zebra nail! :-)

  5. So glad you're enjoying HH. I knew you'd find fun stuffs to do with it! Also I LOVE THESE. So fun :D

  6. We all have the urge to go wild sometimes! This style works without being overbearing because you kept the color scheme simple. I love it!

  7. I like that each nail is different. I get bored easy with mine all the same and this is so refreshing. Fun to look at.


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