Monday 25 February 2013

1st (Belated) Blogiversary Giveaway Extravaganza! - 3 Prizes!

Get your fascinators on!  We is gonna gonna celebrate up in here!!!

So our actual Blogiversary was just over a month ago but we're only getting around to celebrating it now.  Huzzah!  Thank you ever one who made this possible.  The Academy and everyone involved in this.  Oh wow there are so many people.  *music begins to play*.  Are you playing me off? Anyways you know who you are!

Now I'm going to tell you guys the rules and important stuff now.
Please read!  It's actually important!

1) International(unless your country has restrictions)
2) Contest ends Friday March 22nd at 12am EST.
3) No cheating.  Cheating is bad.  Cheaters will have all their entries deleted.
4) We are not responsible for any packages lost in the mail(This has never happened so let's keep up the good streak!)
5) No matter what option you choose to enter(you'll see in a sec) you must follow us via GFC.

How you can win (IMPORTANT)
Now there are 3 prizes a few ways to win one.
- Plain ol Rafflecopter.
-Mini essay question/topic that each of us has come up with(and if you do this you get bonus Rafflecopter entries!).  There will be 3 essay questions/topics you can choose from above the Rafflecopter widget.
- You can do both!

What are the prizes?
Prize #1: Max Factor Fantasy Fire, Urban Outfitters Sea Dust, and Darling Diva Polish Wedding Day Jitters + Clear rhinestones and copper microbeads.
  Prize #2: Sally Hansen Diamond Strength Crystal Beading, Darling Diva Polish Pink Dolphin, and OPI Pros & Bronze + Nail stickers and Clear rhinestones.
  Prize #3: Sinful Colors Cinderella, Color Club Harp On It, and Sally Hansen Diamond Strength All Aglow + Copper microbeads and nail stickers.

How are the prizes divided?
We here at Varnished Valkyrie will each choose our favourite essay and then give the top 3 to our friend to read.  She is a teacher.  She will choose Winner #1.  Who will then get first choice of which 1 prize they want.  Then we will randomly select Winners #2 and #3 via Rafflecopter.  Winner #2 will then get to choose what they want out of the prizes that are left and #3 will get the remaining prize.  Now if you are wondering why the essay winner get's first choice the answer is simple.  You spent time writing a flipping mini essay about something random for a nail blog.  You deserve something for that.

So without any further ado let's get this started!  Hahahahahah have fun!

Essay Questions/Topics(If you are doing this option, you can either choose one or even combine them, make it between 250-500 words and write it in the comment section)
1) Are the Academy Awards still relevant?  Discuss.
2) Expound on the impact that the modern day culture of beauty has had on the feminist movement.
3) In the current world of poplar music do we have our very own modern musical genius à la Freddie Mercury, Areatha Franklin, or even Mozart?  Someone who will still be influential decades from now and even after they are gone.  Please explain.


a Rafflecopter giveaway
Cheat Sheet
Robbie, Howard, Gary, Jason, Mark.  And their last names are even on their shirts.  This photoshoot was pretty much made for this!


  1. Firstly, thank you so much for the generous giveaway. And on to something about me ...

    I've been writing poetry since I was 11, and am still at it 19 years later. Words just pop into my head at random, I have a whole 'system' for writing and editing, and I have a process. It still amazes me that this all came so naturally to me, or that my words can impact people.

  2. Thank you so much for this giveaway! And the rafflecopter was one of the most fun ones I've ever filled out haaha :P

  3. Thank you so much for this giveaway!! I will try and write an essay, it's a good practice for me and I like writting ;)

  4. Awesome giveaway! Thank you! :)

  5. lovely giveaway :) love your nail art..

  6. Hahhaa, the options are so cute. Thanks for the giveaway! :)

  7. This is a great giveaway, the essay idea is brilliant (though I won't be able to write one because english is not my first language, so I'm not really good at it), but aside from the giveaway, i'm irrationally excited because you guys like musicals (I don't know many people who do)... anyways, thank you for this giveaway, it's a great oportunity for those of us who don't have access to this kind of products :)

    1. But Paulina, you have a great start at an essay already! Just think of it as an extended "comment on post". And I would never have guess that English isn't your first language-doesn't show at all!

    2. Paulina, your english sounds very good to me - please submit an essay if you want to!

  8. I'm from the sunny Singapore and I love cats.
    Thank you for the giveaway

  9. Thank you for the giveaway!
    I love animals. My husband and I have been vegetarian for 2 years. Orange is my favorite color and I love nail polish!!

  10. Thank you for this fantastic giveaway! Congrats on your 1 year! :-)
    Hmmm something about me - I love reading mysteries, especially Agatha Christie ones.

    ~ Yun

  11. thank you for this fantastic giveaway! I love nail polish :P

  12. Something interesting about me is that there is nothing interesting about me. Except I used to be Reese Witherspoon's after school teacher, and I went to a Bullfight in Spain.

  13. Cool giveaway! :D Loooove doing my nails! :)

  14. I truly enjoy your blog and as a teacher, I find your contest inspiring.The simple facts that you are requesting an essay, with support, and are having a written copy submitted... I am at a loss for words!
    Thank you!

  15. That's a brilliant idea, an essay contest! I'm so in.

  16. I never really liked Take That :( But Candy with Robbie Williams is awesome!

  17. Amazing Giveaway ! Thanks for the chance <3 . I have a hedgehog called COCO and he is beautiful.:-) xx

  18. First of all, thanks for this amazing giveaway!

  19. Thanks for the giveaway! And I'm from Texas...I don't wear cowboy hats or boots, and don't ride horses. Contrary to popular belief, not many of us do anymore =)

  20. Helloooo ! thanks for your giveaway... Something about me : I wear nailpolish since I lost a bunch of hair after the birth of my babygirl. Pretty much addicted since ! Thank you !

  21. hehe trying my luck again? ^_^

  22. Thanks for the giveaway! I'll tell a joke...

    What kind of dance does a soda machine do?

    The can-can! :D

    -Olivia F.

  23. I love the way you host giveaways its always different, interesting and fun

  24. I guess something interesting is I LOVE LOVE nail polish but can't really file my own nails lol They are always different shapes and it sucks

  25. this year mi kid sare going to a new school

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. I kind of want to start a nail blog..I'm almost 15,and my nail design skills aren't too great,but ALL my friends keep telling me to make one! Should I? I can't think of any creative blog names..:P and I love bacon too!

    1. You totally should! Your skills will get better with time, and it's all in good fun :)

  28. Thank you for the amazing giveaway. Here's something maybe you care to initials are LAM, my husband's are JAM, and our daughter's are GEM. And yep we planned that for her!

  29. You guys know I love a good giveaway! Happy anni :)

  30. something about me, I am a 36 year old Senior in college :) I'm pretty thankful for the chance to go to college after being in the workforce for so long.

    Love your blog btw!

  31. This is an hysterical Raffleopter!!! LOL

  32. I love this giveaway! You made it so much more personal. =)
    Something about me.... hmmmm.... I'm quiet, always have my computer with me and trying to start a blog. =) And love the sun!

  33. What's your favorite thing to write about?

    1. On the blog I like writing writing up on things that interest me. Like doing something Doctor Who related. I also like writing up on my adventures doing strange manicures :P

  34. Benedict Cumberbatch? ;-) I liked him as Van Gogh!
    Thanks for making your GA international!
    I heart polish!

  35. Something about me? Well, I have proven upthread (up-comments?) that even though I like to encourage people and sometimes get into grammar-not-quite-nazi mode, I don't always proofread my own posts as well as I should.

    I guess the answer is that I can (and need to) laugh at myself!

  36. love your nail art and THANK YOU for de giveaway!

  37. I have never admitted this...anywhere online....I am a smoker. Don't judge me!

  38. Hmmmm I love baking and cooking as much as I love my nail art. :)

  39. Thank you so much for this giveaway!

  40. Something random about me? I'm addicted to broccoli. FOR REAL

  41. Thank you for the giveaway!!!

  42. I am from the US....honestly, I'm not crazy about musicals, I have no clue who Take That is, & I have no idea what I was suppose to be writing in the Benedict Cumberbatch section of the raffle copter...lmbo, I feel stupid now!
    But I do know that I love nails/polish/nail art, so we do have something in common. And this IS NOT the first time I've visited your blog (even if I never signed up GFC before-the FF made me do that lol, its so gorgeous & UNavailable in the US). Thank you so much for the giveaway & for letting it be international :)
    One more thing, wish I was about 12 years younger...I used to be an awesome writer in my younger day & I would have totally ruled the essay question. But I'm afraid my mind is too frazzled these days to gather my thoughts into one good paragraph :(

  43. My daughter is feeling better then she was the past three days, now I'm sick! Lol. Thanks for the chance! C:

  44. Okay. I'm leaving a comment now, because I was hoping to have time to write the essay last night, but we ended up going out and starting SXSW I may not have time to write the essay. I am hoping that maybe next week...

    Anyways. My comment is just THANK YOU!!

    I was thinking about writing a limerick, but long night last night and meh, who am I kidding, it would have been terrible anyways.

  45. thanks for opportunity :
    congrats on blog b-day :)

  46. Ty! I LOVE purple! And I WANT FANTASY FIRE!!!!!

  47. Thank you so much for this giveaway!

  48. Woah they're so awesome .
    I love glitter nail polishes and you know what? Nail colours have a huge impact on our mental attitude

  49. This is a great blog and very interesting giveaway

  50. I absolutely love this giveaway :D

  51. I'm not the biggest fan of Take That,
    And I so damn desperately want a kitty cat!
    I find dark humor decadent,
    But none of this is relevant
    And now just realized my limerick has fallen flat!

  52. OMG Benedict Cumberbatch! Can we talk about his jawline please? Seriously though, you folks are awesome!

  53. Essay on Topic Number 3 (Musical Genius):

    Is there a musical genius among us today? The world of science would determine the answer via IQ, or perhaps even through an intense analysis of the mathematics contained within the beat of the music produced by prospective geniuses. Popular opinion assigns the title to artists such as Lady Gaga and Nicki Minaj, and it is entirely possible that the title does apply to them. However, I would rather turn my attention to two women who turned the world of music upside down. Susan Boyle and Adele both made their way into the industry through the power of their voices alone, while Lady Gaga and Nicki employ gimmicks reliant upon the fact that their looks are socially accepted as attractive in order to make their names well know. As much as I respect them and enjoy their music, they don't rely on their voices alone for their prestige. This is not to say that they are not geniuses, but simply that I consider the careers of the other two women in question, Susan Boyle and Adele, to show their genius much more clearly. Their voices are so stunning that they have passed through modern ideas of what is desirable in a singer's voice, body type, and genre, and have blown us all away with the quality and control of their voices. The depth in their voices and the lyrics they choose to apply them to break through the music industry's barriers and speaks to almost everyone who listens to their music. These women have broken down walls and stereotypes to make the whole world listen to them. The world will keep listening to them, even decades after they are gone. And that, to me, is genius.

    Are we allowed to write an essay on each topic, or are we limited to the one? Thanks!

    1. I don't know if I gave a number or not(don't think I did) but I don't see why not.

      For the record at this rate you've already won the contest :P

    2. Thanks! :) I really want that Max Factor, so if anyone else decides to post an essay you'll probably see me trying to up my odds by posting an essay on each topic, as long as I still have the go ahead.

  54. Thank you for this giveaway

  55. Thanks so much for the awesome giveaway, I almost missed it! Something interesting about myself...I suppose that just depends on what your idea of interesting is. I think my vast collection of tattoos is pretty darn interesting. I totally lost count a few years back, but I have lots of 'em. My face and the front of my neck are ink-free and will remain that way ;)

  56. Love your giveaway :D that was so funny to fill out, Thanks for that

  57. Thank you for the giveaway. My brain now hurts!

    2) Expound on the impact that the modern day culture of beauty has had on the feminist movement.

    In 2013 the word “feminist” is a dirty word. It's been a dirty word for awhile, thanks to such people as Rush Limbaugh who coined the term "Feminazi" to describe any woman who asked for equal rights. The current stereotype of a feminist is a bra-burning, man-hating, hairy legs-and-armpits, marching with placards, unattractive and unwanted woman. The stereotype of feminists being unattractive and unwanted is important to continue for the message to get through. Having women forced to choose one side – equal rights, equal pay, stopping the rampant sexualization of our daughters at such an early age or having someone want us so we don't grow old alone – breaks down to choosing to be pretty or not.
    How does the beauty industry impact the feminist movement? Or is it more appropriate to say the feminist movement has an impact on the beauty industry? Fashion models, female actors and others in the public eye possess a body type that does not exist in nature – very thin with large breasts. Plastic surgery is becoming common for young women. Women are also now stating that “it's a very feminist thing” to get breast augmentation because “I'm doing it for me.” If she wasn't shown through advertisements and other forms of media that the desired size for a woman is to be ultra-thin with large breasts, would she still be doing elective surgery for herself? Would she still give it as a present to her daughter?
    Can a woman be a feminist and still be concerned with how she looks? Can she use cosmetics without loosing her feminist cred? Yes and yes. The topic of fashion and being a feminist is too complicated for a simple answer, but foolishly I will try. Following beauty trends can add whimsy to life. What better way to be reminded that “all things in moderation, including moderation,” than to wear a flash of green glitter polish on her fingertips. What better way to remind herself that cosmetics are a choice than to realize she is just as comfortable going out with a bare face as she is when she is dressed to the nines.
    The feminist movement from 40 years ago helped all women, but some women felt left out. The beauty industry initially started out aimed to one class of women, but now it's more inclusive. In these past 40 years both fashionistas and feminists have learned how to be more welcoming and realize that there are enough seats at the table for everyone. Being a woman in 2013 is complicated, but that is a good thing.

  58. PS -- something interesting about me? I used to portray Donald Duck from 1986-94 at WDW (FL). Or as I like to say, I used to be a crossed dress water fowl with a nautical fetish.

  59. 1) Are the Academy Awards still relevant?
    In my opinion, Academy awards are relevant. some of us might say it is not very relevant but it gives encouragement to the performers whether as a best supporting actor/actress, director, comedian, musician.They are given one more chance to show their talent to the world with utmost responsibility.

    3) In the current world of poplar music do we have our very own modern musical genius à la Freddie Mercury, Areatha Franklin, or even Mozart? Someone who will still be influential decades from now and even after they are gone.
    Truly we have.Although i don't listen to music that much i like all of Akon's songs, recently one direction and Wanted.Most of them are very popular.we can listen to Akon's songs even after decades from now.We'll never get bored.Today singers from one direction, wanted, Gangnam style,they all show much promise to the music world of tomorrow.Famous women singers like Lady Gaga and Britney spears they started their careers some years ago but they still remain in the music community because of their growing fans.Legends like Madonna are praised even today for their extraordinary intense voice.Who can forget Michael Jackson?He is not here with us but we all love his dance with his voice even more.

  60. I don't have much to say about me.I like to make fun of myself. I like music and books(selective),i'm also a soap addict but i don't comment on soaps.


  61. i speak 5 diffrent languages

  62. I love your giveaway options, especially the Benedict Cumberbatch one.

  63. Essay:
    In today‘s world of popular music, do we have a musical genius who will still be influential decades from now and even after they are gone?

    If musical genius is defined as the ability to create music and lyrics that influence generations of artists, as a voice that moves audiences decade after decade, and as the creative potential to keep reinventing oneself and one’s music, Leonard Cohen is certainly a musical genius. For nearly half a century, this Canadian writer has woven tapestries of words and sound that reveal new layers of beauty and meaning every time you hear them.

    You may argue that Leonard Cohen is not modern, not part of current popular music, that he is a remnant from the last century, a poet of the past. But that would mean that there is an expiration date on genius, that someone who was a musical genius in the 1970s could not be one today – and that would contradict the definition given in the question, of being influential for decades.

    For sure, Cohen’s career as a singer and songwriter began in the 1960s – and his career as a poet even earlier, at a time when our grandparents were young – but the Cohen who sang “Suzanne” in 1967 is not the one of 1987’s “First We Take Manhattan”, nor is he the one who just last year released the album “Old Ideas”, which shot straight to the top of the charts across the world. The earnest young man who calmed down a riotous crowd at the Isle of Wight in 1970 is not the same who filled stadiums in 2012. His voice has matured and improved with age. His lyrics have gone from melancholy to hopeful to desperate and back again. And yet, that soft-spoken man reciting poetry against the establishment, singing songs of love and hate, of war and faith, and asking people to light their matches so that they would sparkle like fireflies and the modest 78-year-old in his suit and fedora who skips joyfully across the stage, who lights our hearts on fire with his deep, deep voice, and who can still take Manhattan and Berlin are one and the same: a musical genius whose influence reaches across time.

    His songs have inspired generations of musicians (and writers and other artists), from U2 and Nick Cave to Tory Amos and Suzanne Vega, from the Sisters of Mercy and Kurt Cobain to Justin Timberlake and Rufus Wainwright, and I am convinced they will continue to do so for decades to come. And let us not forget the song that is nearly a hymn to today’s younger generation, the song that was #1, #2 and #26 in the 2008 UK Christmas charts and which has been covered several hundred times: Hallelujah.

    It is this pervasiveness, this unobtrusive but unmistakable influence on people who could be his grandchildren – and their parents before them - that makes him a true musical genius whose work will endure the passage of time.

  64. A few things about me: I'm a huge Doctor Who and Sherlock fan, I tend to do things at the last moment (in case you hadn't noticed ;)), and having enough space for all my books is one of my main criteria when looking for a flat.

    I loved the questions in this contest, they were so much fun!

  65. This comment has been removed by the author.

  66. Essay question:

    I count myself lucky. I count myself lucky because I am free to be myself, because I can take decisions regarding my life and my future. My body is my own to give to whom I want, and it is mine to keep for myself; to leave it as it is, to ink it or remodel it and make it as I choose. I am free to be a woman, and more importantly, I am free to be the woman I want to be. I don’t know if I am a feminist, because I somehow feel the term would label me, would put a tag over my head and throw me in the liberal box of women fighting for their rights. But the problem is, I hate labels. And more importantly, I think the women who fought for their rights would hate them to. I believe feminism is a term that every woman must define for herself, that must contain all the things that make her feel free to express herself the way she wishes, without oppression and fear of judgment. It’s all right for a woman to dress in beautiful clothes, to use make-up on her face or paint her nails if that makes her feel beautiful. It’s also OK for a woman to want a better body, a healthy lifestyle, and its fine if she desires to be thin and toned. It’s just as fine if she doesn’t want any of those things.
    It’s true that the culture of beauty influences our choices, but it doesn't, or at least it shouldn't change who we really are. There are many girls and women out there who use those standards reinforced by fashion, tv and magazines to define themselves. Many aspire to be just like those glamorous girls from the pages of shiny magazines, or like the models on the runway and agonize over every little imperfection, making it the center of their lives. They are just as oppressed and trapped as those women who are still fighting for an education, a job, or for the right to vote. The difference is their fights are silent, their struggles hidden under the mask of a stereotypical modern woman. For them, a woman’s liberty of expression has turned into a cage, into a pattern that must be followed in order to fit into today’s society. But feminism is not about fitting in, it’s about being yourself.
    Feminism in my eyes is for self assured women, for women who know exactly who they are and can make choices that are their own, and not take life advice from pieces of the manual of modern woman stereotypes that modern society reinforces. The culture of beauty should complete the woman, should help her be a rounded individual, and not work as a tool of silent oppression and conformity.

  67. umm....A free for all, eh? Well thanks for the giveaway! Good luck to all! Great blog! Love looking through it:) WIsh I had more time to write the essay! I LOVE writing but this ends in a few hours and dont have the time.... :(

  68. I am new to this, exited to be here :)

  69. Those boys are HOT HOT!! Thank you for the giveaway :)

  70. A nail artist once came from Brighton
    Her clients all said she was right on.
    Started sniffing her polish,
    From Spring until Fall-ish,
    Soon the neighborhood kids she would fright-on.

    (took a little liberty there, but it was the best limerick I could come up with on short notice. ;))


We love comments as much as we like bacon! And we LOVE bacon! But if you want us to check you out please go to the contact us tab up top and feel free to send us a message. Please don't SPAM!