Tuesday 8 January 2013

Why wont you photograph Chunky Holo Fuchsia?

So this is the first of the 6 polish I have from the Kleancolor Chunky Holo collection.  I could not get this to photograph the way I wanted to.  Not in my lightbox, not in the sun, not in the shade and not underwater.  But I still got a few decent shots.

Out of all the colours this was also the hardest to pair for some reason.  I had nothing I wanted to pair it with.  But then I remember seeing a swatch on The PolishAholic that used Revlon Royal as a base and this. So I decided to give it a go.  For the base I used Ruby Kissed Blue My Mind. Then 2 coats of the Kleancolor.

Fuchsia is well a translucent fuchsia polish filled with iridescent glitter a la Nubar 2012.  In most lights this looks like embers.  It's really near because it's sparkly but not too much so.  Then when you take it out into the sun that's when she really shines and you see all the colours of her rainbow!  Well mostly red, orange and green.  She's a very limited rainbow.  But pretty still :)

I would say this is pretty much what it looks like most of the time in real life and with indoor lighting.  Less green though.
Under the sea! By sea I mean bucket of water.

Ps. I am soooooooooo tired right now so sorry for the sleepy review.   Anyways I already know what I want to pair the others with so I'm excite for that!


  1. I really like this combo!! I wore it over a hot pink. It is really hard to photograph though. I like the picture under water.

  2. It's a gorgeous combo - really pretty!

  3. Wow!!! This nail color is so pretty. You can wear it plain or with the glitters. Anything will do for it looks elegant and classy. Love it!

  4. I had similar problems photographing KleanColor Chunky Holo Clover but you did a way better job of it than I did!

  5. Ooh! The colours are so vibrant! I think you got great pics of it. Looking forward to seeing what you've got in store for the others!

  6. Gorgeous combo! I think the holo rainbow shows pretty well.

  7. Stunning combo!!

  8. What cute nails you have, and this color of nail polish is so gorgeous :)

  9. The base color is really pretty! So is this multichrome glitter!! But I feel like it looks like Essie Shine of The Times

  10. I like Ruby Kissed Blue My Mind and I like the combination you made! :-)

  11. That blue base color is beautiful! And I really like the combo too! :-)

    ~ Yun


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