Friday 18 January 2013

Random Wednesday: Let's do MATH! (Don't worry it's nail polish math)

The is is regards to the post I did with 53 coats of polish.  Or as I like to call it my claim to fame.

For people who are saying that’s a waste of polish let’s do some math.

Let’s say the average bottle of polish gives you 17 full manicures.  2 coats a manicure.  So every time you do a manicure you use 20 coats total.  So this would have used just over 2 manicures worth.  Let’s just round it up to 3 for fun and to make the math easier.

The average price of the polishes I used were probably $9.  But I’ll bump it to $12 because of the Chanel.

Now if we divide $12 by 17 we get $0.71 a manicure.  Therefore 0.71 x 3 = 2.13

I wasted under $2.13 on this magic.

ETA: Apparently the math is more like $7 something.  But either way my average is actually too high and I said I used more coats then I actually did just so it wouldn't be 2.blahblahblah coats.  So I spent like $5 on this. Oh noes.

*I am not yet a certified mathematician, math wizard or math oracle.
** This is post 234


  1. Oh,wow,Its the first time I see something like this,I love the idea,and appreciate the time and effort you put into this mani.Super original!

  2. I hope you did that as a joke))

    1. The manicure or the math? Because math is NEVER a joke.

  3. One of the many reasons I love this blog... so witty and entertaining to read! :)

  4. This was soooooooo funny to me!!!!!!!!!!


  5. Got lost somwhere in between "Let's say the average bottle of polish..." and "... make the math easier"

    but if what you want to know is how much you spent... who cares!! lol it was an awesome and TRUE nail art.

    1. OK, I can't give up, I used to do maths contest as school and you touched my maths vein.
      If you get 17 manicures per bottle (average) means you get 34 coats on ALL your finger nails (assuming you have 10 fingernails). So If you wore 53 coats on each fingernail that means you used a little more than a 1.5 (1.5588 for the precision) bottles of polish. If each bottle costs you average $12 You spent $18.70 on the 53 coats manicure.
      There's some easier maths :)

    2. Oh! If you only did 53 coats on this 4 fingers, and you call a "coat" every time you paint one nail, then you're a cheater, LOL!!

    3. I agree with you about the math part. So for 4 fingernails it would be $7,48 if I'm not mistaken. ;)

    4. A coat is every time I painted all 4. You try painting your other hand with a hand that looks like that! And if we really want to get technical adding the Chanel into the average actually makes the average around $10. I just said $12.

    5. And it would be under 7.48 because my average is under $12 AND I bumped up how many manicures I used. And as a now certified math oracle because I say so.

    6. I think that the post "How many coats of polish do you think this took???" was your first post that I read :-) Then I started following you! :-)

  6. i love your blog, but i think doing so many layers was sort of useless hehe ;)

  7. This is one of the most fun and interesting posts ever - way to go Kas!

  8. Two bucks for a lot of smiles - that's a friggin' bargain! :D x

  9. small price to pay for some answers. again, you are my hero.

  10. Bahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaa

  11. Aww yeah!! (love the gif! XD)
    Polish is meant to be enjoyed, whether on your nails, splattered on a canvas for fun or whatever. This post was hilarious and I think it is well worth the small sum it cost to use. :D

  12. Sadly enough, I didn't understand you math...but I still appreciate this ridiculous manicure!!

  13. Haha wow!! :D
    I'm wondering how long it took you to get them all off?

    ~ Yun

    1. It was too thick to dry in any reasonable amount of time. So I literally got a tissue and wiped it off. And excess polish was removed with plain ol remover. Probably took a total of a minute to take it off :P

  14. Haha I love the gif at the end, it went perfectly :)

  15. when I first saw this picture I loved it and still do! :) I'd easily do it in a heart beat if need be, but we'll leave your pic on its own. AWESOME


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