Thursday 10 January 2013

OPI Here Today...Aragon Tomorrow Suede

I really love having suede polishes in almost every colour.  When I have 20 minutes to get out the door, and I have naked nails, they are there for me.  And they look great if if you choose to wear top coat or not.

Here Today...Aragon Tomorrow Suede is a dark green suede(obviously).  Packed with silver micro shimmer.  I'm almost positive this was 2 coats(These photos were taken a while ago).  And the formula was fantastic.  No cleanup needed!  It didn't dry too fast and start getting all clumpy or streaky and it didn't dry to slow. 

Now this is from the fall 2010 line and is currently discontinued.  But this along with all the other OPI suede polishes I have were purchased relatively recently in stores. I found this in Ricky's in NYC.  I have no clue if Ricky's is only in NYC or is an American-wide thing.  In general I see these all the time in beauty supply stores.

Do you guys like suede polishes?


  1. Such a gorgeous color! I love suede/matte colors but I usually have issues with the formula. I may need to try some of the OPI ones.

  2. OMGasdjalglkshghmph!! Loooooove.

  3. Your nails are looks so perfect and the green color is very good to see...

  4. That's beautiful, both suede and with the top coat on! :)

  5. I RAOP-ed this to Kelly from Nails for the Sake of Sanity lately, found it on Amazon for $8.50 with free shipping in the US! Now I can see why she was lemming it so hard, it's absolutely gorgeous! Thanks for the amazing swatch!

  6. OHOOOHHHH it's beautiful - both ways - but the suede is amazing...

  7. I adore suede polishes, they are really something special! This one is amazing without and with top coat! :-)

  8. I much prefer shiny shiny-that green is stunning!!! WANT!

  9. I LOVE THIS! I have to admit, whenever I see this I think "Here Today...AraGORN tomorrow." No, this is not from a LOTR collection...LOL.

    1. ME TOO! So glad I'm not alone, ha. Either way, such a beautiful colour!

  10. such a gorgeous color, i love suedes!

  11. I'm not sure how this works but they have a normal version and a suede version of this right? Because I totally picked this up today at the nail polish store but it might not have been suede...I really like the color though! I might have to go back and get it...

  12. Hi girl!
    Which Ricky's in NYC did u get these OPI Suedes from? I don't have any Suedes and I want to try them. Thanks!


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