Saturday 5 January 2013

Do I like you? I think I do. A England Ascalon

So Oyster duochromes and I have a frosty relationship.  I have never been able to decide if I love or hate them.  Lately, it's been more love than anything.  It was during the biggest love phase that I picked up this and another that I'll show you later.

So A England is my new favourite brand, and this was the only polish of theirs that I found myself hemming and hawing on all the live-long day.  Finally, I relented.

This is two thin coats, and I definitely would NOT try to do one thin one.  The formula is perfect for nice, thin coats like this.

This baby was really hard to capture, and I definitely plan to try again with better light, but I do love the purple glow!

(Also I made paella before I did these swatches, so forgive my saffron fingers)


  1. I love this polish, I've used it a lot lately. It's a fab stamping polish too. I love it being grey/purple and holo :D

  2. Very pretty!! A England polishes are amazing!!

  3. It's a very interesting polish...

  4. This is beautiful! I LOVE A England polishes too, they're all so gorgeous!

  5. Mmm, I love Ascalon. So gorgeous. It reminds me of black pearls.


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