Thursday 27 December 2012

So I'm in AFRICA.

WHOA.  Hey Valkyries, remember me???  Probably not, you fickle folks, but you get to put up with me anyway.

So for those who've forgotten, I'm currently with the parentals in SOUTH AFRICA, where my dad hails from and where my mom spent 10 years with him directly pre-me(I just turned 24 and they've been in Canada like 24.7 years).

So far, we've been on the family farm just outside Pretoria(where if you don't like centipedes, goats, large drooly dogs, one-eyed cats, and FLIES OH SWEET MARIA THE FLIES you really should just look at pictures), Jo'burg to see old friends, Hartebeespoort dam, and Cape Town for a day.  Now we're in the middle of my requestOudtshoorn, because OSTRICHES.  I like ostriches a lot.  There is a small chance I might ride one while here if I get over my fear of brown ostrich armpit goo and having my organs ripped out by one kicking me.  More than likely I'll just hug one but who knows what the next few days will bring.

ANYWAY.  The original plan was that I would schedule a ton of posts while gone, but I was too busy, so I'm doing it now.  This is my version of Kas's Random Wednesday posts, basically just a "here's what I've been up to so far!" for this absence.

Basically I'm escaping the cold Canadian winter for summer and enjoying the heat.  For your viewing pleasure, here's a photo of the sunset from my first night here that I took on the farm where my aunt lives.

Regular posts coming again starting tomorrow!


  1. I'm so so jealous you're in South Africa!!! Give that ostrich a hug from me!!! (I'm so scared of them, I always think they will pluck my eyes out LOL!)

  2. wow that's awesome. My great grandmother lived in South Africa for some time, so if she had stayed I might have been born there.. or at least a different me would have. Enjoy the warm weather for me as I'm freezing up here in Wisconsin.

  3. Want more photos, want more photos, WANT MORE PHOTOS - PLLLLEEEEEAAASSSSEEEE
    I too am envious - and hope you have an amazing stay :)

  4. I lived in SA 3 years....such beautiful country

  5. Amazing... I am living vicariously through your vacation.. please post more soon or your return :)

  6. Aggggh, pretty much spazzed out when I read you are/were?? in SA! Pretoria represent! If you are still in the country try and get a hold of some Tip Top Nail Chic polishes (Available at any Clicks). The formula is awesome and pretty much 90% of them are super opaque! Have fun while in SA!


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