Friday 14 December 2012

China Glaze - Peace On Earth

1) Just an FYI you probably wont be seeing many post from George over the next few weeks or so.  But not to fret!  She left for South Africa today for 6 weeks!  I'm sure she'll have loads of fun hanging out with the fam :)

2) Two people will still be blogging :P I have recruited Jon Bon Jovi.  I haven't but wouldn't that be weird?

3) So I realized that I actually have a bunch of Holiday polishes!  Crazy, I know!  So I decided I should get on swatching them now that we're in the middle of holiday season.  I is smart.

First up today I have China Glaze Peace On Earth which was from China Glazes 2010 Holiday collection.  I actually swatched this weeks ago and when I was getting the photos ready I couldn't remember the name.  When I saw it was Peach On Earth I got a bit sad with today's recent events.  And I thought it's a shame I don't think that's ever going to ever be possible.

Well that's depressing.

The colour is so pretty!!!* Peace On Earth is a olive green and gold shimmer.  Formula was flawless!  Two easy coats and top coat. Boom magic.  As of recently I have been a sucker for olive colours in general.  Wallis being on of my favs(YOU WILL LOVE WALLIS PENNY...she won our giveaway).

4) Stay tuned early next week for what I can only assume will be a sweet manicure using some of the new pretties I was sent from Born Pretty! Also more Holiday swatches that I have been hording on my laptop!

*Amazing segue tyvm.


  1. One of the good old goodies - lovely as ever!

  2. wow that's so awesome! i hope she has lotsa fun! lovely polish!

  3. Really pretty metallic green!!

  4. My mom has this polish, and I love it every time she wears it. It is so unexpectedly pretty.

  5. Gorgeous olive green! I really need to get Butter London's Wallis at some point. Long time lemming!


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