Friday 23 November 2012

With this Butter London polish on, I feel like a pretty Posh Bird.

So I recently got a tax return.  A big tax return.  And a little promotion at work.  So I let myself spend some money on evilbay.  Not a lot, but enough to treat myself to some new pretties.  I'm pretty good at getting great deals, and I picked up this baby along with another new BL, that you'll see soon, for less than $10 each including shipping.  I also picked up Slapper, a sexy teal which is currently on my toes, for about $12 including shipping.  But enough bragging about my eBay sniping skills...  Onto the polish!

Posh Bird is exactly the kind of colour I usually hate.  It's that Chanel Paradoxal-ish(UGLIEST COLOUR IN THE WORLD) purple-y grey, but this is more purple and less weird and awful.  It has an amazing silver shimmer that brings it to life, and it's nice and neutral so it'll flatter a variety of skin tones.  I don't know why I love this but I do.  The first swatch I saw, I knew she would be mine, and she's even better in person.  This is probably the classiest polish I own.  I think I'll be reaching for this baby a lot when I have fancy places to go.  It's so gorgeous.  I die.

On another note... I hate swatching Butter London because the bottles are hard to hold nicely.  But the formula was absolutely to die for, so that made up for it.

This is two thinner coats with Butter London hardwear topcoat.


  1. Posh Bird looks really classy! I like it! :-)

  2. Very sophisticated - truly stunning!!!! You got Slapper? This is one of my favorites :-))) and you got me totally curious for your other BL ;-)

  3. Seriously pretty! The colour itself might not strictly wow, but dang, that shimmer!! Fabulous combination between the two.

    Congratulations on your promotion!


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