Wednesday 7 November 2012

Illamasqua Cameo + GOBAMA.

So I found it.  I don't know why it took them so long, but I found the world's most perfect blue.  It's magic.  It's like periwinkle and cornflower had a beautiful bouncing blue baby.  It's RIDICULOUS how gorgeous and sexy this blue is.  I can't get over it.

It's a Sephora exclusive, and early indications said it was a US exclusive... But being that I am in Canada and here it is in my hand... It's not US exclusive.

But you know, the REAL REASON for some blue nails today:

Elizabeth Warren. Karen Gillibrand. Claire McCaskill. Tammy Baldwin.  And you know, Barack Obama.  
I had the pleasure of spending the entire night watching the polls with my very close group of American girlfriends via the magic of video chat.  Tears were shed, drinks were drunk.  These girls, well, they're some of my best friends.  They're strong, amazing women who have helped me to grow in a million ways I don't think I would've had we not crossed paths.  They helped to spark my interest in politics, and they have taught me what it is to be a strong woman with strong ideals who takes no shit from anyone.  They make me so proud to be a woman.  It pains me to know that there was someone on the ticket who didn't see them the way I see them, but it fills me with joy that for at least another four years, they and their rights are protected.  Women made a huge impact in this election, so I was really glad to be able to watch the election with some pretty great ones, watching some other great ones taking their rightful places in the history books.

Let's remember:  Senate seats, not binders, full of women!


  1. It's really, really gorgeous, siiighhh...

  2. :) I love this post. Partially because of your wonderful words you shared about your American friends, and partially because I'm also incredibly happy with last night's results!

    Also because of this beautiful polish. Great color! You did an excellent job, and your nails are looking so healthy. :D

  3. Ahhh what a gorgeous blue! I don't own any Illamasqua polishes but I will have to see this for myself in Sephora before committing. GOBAMA!

  4. That is a REALLY REALLY REALLY pretty blue and it looks GREAT on you!! Love it so much!

  5. i love this post! that is a really amazing blue! OBAMA!

  6. Thank you for covering both nails and reality-- and love the blue-- love periwinkle.

  7. Absolutely perfect blue! I'm so happy Obama won, although I do think THIS is the best thing to come out of the entire election:


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