Thursday 1 November 2012


Wow November is already here!  Soon it will be Christmas!  How was everyone's Halloween? I drank and did Karaoke!  If that's not what you call a fun night...then chances are you were doing something else. Speaking of Halloween I actually still have a bunch of Halloween polishes that I never had time to swatch that I'll post in the next few weeks because I could care less that Halloween is over.

I am a rebel blogger.

Here is a polish I used in my Halloween manicure yesterday.  Essie's Sew Psyched is a dusty khaki green that is packed with really fine micro-shimmer that can really only be seen under direct light.  In the photos that was 3 coats.  I love this colour(although I admit it's not for everyone).  My only problem with it is I wish it would even out a bit better. 


  1. Damn dude I didn't even know that shimmer existed before this post. Props.

  2. Love the color, great for a rebellious blogger, such as you and I. Can I give you an award?

  3. i dressed as lady gaga and went out drinking and dancing, it was awesome! great rebel color :-p

  4. Mmm, Sew Psyched is a favourite of mine. I love wearing it on my toes. Seriously. Try it!

  5. Halloween should NEVER end. I already have neighbors who put up Christmas lights though -___-" This color is nice, good job catching that shimmer!

  6. I love dusty colours and this shimmer is great! :-)


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