Saturday 27 October 2012

Oh The Horror!!! My Attempt At Gradient Nails.

So I don't ever think I've posted a gradient manicure here because quite frankly up until now they have all looked like complete, and utter shit.

This is the first gradient I have not taken it off within a few minutes of putting it on.  I also wore it out (and was complimented on it).

All in all I've seen waaaaaaay better but for me this is pretty go.

*Hands myself an award for effort*

I used Orly's It's Not Rocket Science and Zoya's Julieanne.


  1. These two look awesome together!!

  2. Definitely better than what I've done so far! Haha I guess it takes practice...

  3. It's really pretty and I love the colors you used!!

  4. i cant do gradients either. i posted two and they were both fails, so i give up :-p

  5. I think these are gorgeous together!

  6. I don't know what you're talking about! That is one gorgeous gradient! :-)

    ~ Yun


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