Wednesday 24 October 2012

It's Alive!!! Mwhahahahahahahahahahaha!!! *Thunder!* *Lightning!*

I love this polish.

And yet.  <Long pause>.  I hate it.

China Glaze's It's Alive is wicked pretty.  Its small, and microfine green glitter in a mossy green base.  It's a tad dull when it dries but all is forgotten when top coat is applied.  It was opaque in 2 coats.

Now here's my problem with it. I was goopy as hell, and because of this a pain in the ass to apply.  Even after I added thinner it was still a pain. *sigh* Me and my first world problems.

Flash! AHH-ahh!


  1. He'll save every one of us! (Dangit, that's gonna be in my head all week now ;p)

    This is such a lusciously gorgeous green glitter, and it looks so good on you!! Too bad about that goopy-ness, though. Still, I can't get over that amazingly rich texture. Goopy or not--I must have eet! ^_^

    1. Thanks! And I'm so happy you got the reference :D!

  2. Aww, I'm sorry you have problems with the formula, I just checked mine, it's still in great shape - and it is such a gorgeous polish to look at :)

  3. Gooooorgeeeooouuuusss..!! Looks great on you! :-)

  4. Hate the application is so bad because it's so pretty

  5. Whoaaaa this looks crazy awesome though! Shame about the formula.

  6. omg this polish is just so gorgeous i want one.
    too bad the formula is creepy :p


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