Friday 12 October 2012

Glitter Herpes + Vajazzle? I swear this is still about nail polish...

So I've been pretty good about not buying any more polish lately(as in I just haven't bought any except with gift certificates), but I DID bite the bullet when I came across Polish Revolution and saw these.

Now, by now anyone who's read anything I've written here knows that GLITTER is my favourite thing.  So when I saw that Lauren had such amazing glitter polishes with such a great variety... I knew I had to have them.  They're so obnoxious and loud and crazy and just ME.  I'm sure these will make some of you nauseous... Can't say I care :P

So, Vajazzle is a mix of warm and cool toned glitter, and Glitter Herpes is straight up cool toned.

I absolutely love these.  The glitter is dense and EXTREMELY varied.  There are more colours than I can count and lots of shapes and sizes, including my beloved square glitter.  For these swatches I've shown ONE coat of each over black and then over white(Colour Club French Tip and Where's The Soiree, my new favourites of each, YOU NEED FRENCH TIP!).  These applied easily using the dabbing method and there are no bendy glitters to be seen.  I topped these with Gelous and Seche Vite, but they weren't too grainy to begin with.  I also mattified them so you can see the mix better!

Once again, try to excuse my cuticles.  I had to clean a machine at work yesterday and they took a beating.  Nothing a few days of being nice won't fix!

Look who joined me on the balcony for pictures <3 It's Sophie!  She just turned 10.


  1. Awesome awesome glitter!!! But duuuude... The name... This horrible name!!! I don't know if I would want anything to do with herpes.... No matter what part of my body LOL :))

  2. So pretty! The glitter is spectacular.

  3. Your pup is so cute! I think I like Vajazzle better but I definitely prefer the name "Glitter Herpes" more. This is just my kind of humour xD

  4. wow just one coat! these are amazing!

  5. Hilarious names, but pretty glitters! And Sophie is soooo cute! What kind of pooch is she?

  6. These look insane mattified!! Love the names, haha!

  7. ohhhhh these are pretttttttyyyyyyyy, and I love the names!

  8. So pretty! Glitter Herpes really has a lot of color in there :)

  9. Haha your dog is so cute! My dog does the same when I'm taking pictures of my nails.

  10. Wow, I can't believe Sophie is 10! Also WOW LOUD.

  11. Love these glitters! And so nice to see Sophie. :)


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