Tuesday 11 September 2012

I'm back! Goodness me, it has been too long! Have some Cult Nails Annalicious with my apologies.

So I bet some of you thought you'd never see me again!  And I'm sure that in the time I've been gone, Kas has brought a bunch of new people to the blog, so for those who don't know me or have forgotten, I'm George, best friend and blog partner who has been away for far too long due to a myriad of terrible things including but not limited to:

1) MOVING.  Moved house with my family the day after I made me last post.
2) BROKEN COMPUTER.  My macbook decided that not only was the hinge going to snap, but the screen was going to come apart!  HORRORS.  Finally managed to have it repaired a week and a half ago, and now have access to my computer again.
3) BREAK ALL THE NAILS.  So I got a new job not long after I commenced my hiatus, and then, just as I was finally ready to return to the blog about 3.5 weeks ago, I shut my hand in a freezer door at work and broke three of my nails right to the quick.  In case you were wondering: Yes, it hurt like a bitch.  So obviously my nails were in no shape to be shown off, which bummed me the hell out.
4) CUTICLES FROM HELL.  As is evident in my photos, my cuticles and I have a love/hate relationship at best.  Dry skin and other issues tend to make them yucky looking which makes me afraid to swatch for fear of scaring some of you.  They've been extra unhappy after the freezer door incident.  But luckily I think this is getting better, and I will soon my posting MY hand and nail care regimen as well.

Hopefully from here on out my hands and swatches will be a lot prettier :)  I look forward to getting to know our new followers and catching up with the old ones!

So, for my first post back I thought I'd share one of my new pretties from Cult Nails.  Annalicious is from Maria's daughter Coco's collection(I also picked up I Got Distracted, which deserves its own post and will soon get it!) and is a bright cherry red packed with gold shimmer that really warms it up without looking garish.  It's glowy and absolutely amazing!  I can't stop staring at my nails!  This one reminds me of OPI Dear Santa.  All photos taken in natural light with no flash.

Slightly unrelated:  I need some ideas for new editing software/sites, because I am not happy with the one I've been using.  It really messes with the quality of my images and I don't like that. Any suggestions?


  1. welcome back!!so glad to see you again :( that sounds like a series of unfortunate events!

  2. So sorry to hear about the ouchies and the ickies and the just plain hard stuffs. Glad to have you back and thanks for the ossm swatches. :)

  3. Glad to see you back! Hope everything has worked itself out.

  4. Hiya, welcome back! Your cuticles are looking great. :D

  5. Welcome back- sorry to hear about the massive nail trauma. I once shut my fingers/nails in a big industrial door at the place I worked during high school. OUCH. I feel for you.


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