Thursday 26 July 2012

Half and Half

So today was one of those days.  You know those days when you just took of your previous mani, and you want to put something on your nails that's different but is no way over the top.  But what do do exactly? That's when I remembered the Fifty-Fifty mani over at Nailside.  Huzzah! Simple as blueberry pie (Which is super simple to make.  I suggest you all go and make some immediately!  I just made cottage pie the other day.  Those 2 things have nothing in common.  It was just something else I wanted to share.)

For this I simply used a piece of tape. Originally I used Orly's Iron Butterfly as a base, and Orly's Sweet Peacock for the other half.  But it didn't pop as much as I like it too. So I decided to go over it carefully with Zoya's Phoebe. I liked it much better this way.

You may notice my middle finger looks slightly odd on the Zoya side.  It has nothing to do with the polish.  I just nicked it and painted over it hoping to cover it up.

Stay tuned! Hopefully next time I post I'll have some Olympic nails for you! Or I'll fail horribly and you'll get nails covered in colourful spots.

My original mani.


  1. i love this look! i really want to try it

  2. I'm going to do this one day.

  3. Adding this to my to-do list :D

  4. It looks very pretty!

  5. Cottage pie? Sounds delicious! What is it?

    Also: wicked nails. Glad you chose Zoya Phoebe to go overtop of the Orly- it really pops.

    1. A lot of people call cottage pie, shepherds pie. But it's only called a shepherds pie when you use lamb. It's actually called a cottage pie when you use beef. You should totally make some :D


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