Friday 15 June 2012

Guest Blogger No.1! - The One With The Domo

Hello Valkyries of the Varnished persuasion! I was seriously stoked when Kas and George invited me to guest blog while they are away. This is my first time as a guest blogger, so I'm a little nervous and excited. I hope you'll all enjoy my little contribution to this fantastic blog.

I have an ombre manicure to share with you all today- my first ever ombre manicure, as it happens, which is very fitting for my first ever guest post on another blog. I decided to do a greyscale ombre manicure, which is inspired by a greyscale-themed Domo I have. If you are familiar with my blog, you'll know I often feature those little guys in my posts- I find them irresistible, and have amassed a small army of them (they happily coexist with my nail lacquer collection, if you're wondering).

Here's the line-up!

From left to right we have Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear White On, Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear Wet Cement, Nubar Palisade, Nubar Stronghold, Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear Black Out. Up front we have an adorable Greyscale Domo, the inspiration behind today's manicure!

This is, of course, Greyscale Domo taking a picture of himself, which I assume he'll later post on Facebook ("Guys! Check it out! I was totally partying with these sexy polishes on Varnished Valkyrie!").

Ahem. Onward to the nail pictures!

What did you think of my first ever ombre manicure? Which shade of grey is your favourite? Myself, I love a light grey, so Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear Wet Cement is my clear favourite here.

Before I finish up my post here, I want to give a quick heads-up to anyone who might be interested in entering my Lynnderella Connect the Dots Giveaway, which is currently going on at my blog, The Lacquer Tracker. You have until June 21st to enter, if it's something you'd like to do. Click here to check out the details.

This has been a blast, and thank you so much to Kas and George for inviting me to write a post for Varnished Valkyrie! It's pretty awesome to be able to be a part of a blog that I admire and enjoy reading so much. Thanks!


  1. Wow! Love it! I'm currently wearing my first ombre manicure and I love it!

  2. Love it! I have yet to do my first ombre. I am in love with all the members of your Domo army and I am super jealous that you could find them all. I have only been able to find one plushie one but I love them too!

    1. Haha, if you're on the hunt for Domos, definitely hit up the local comic book stores. That's where I get all of mine. A new set just came out, so there should definitely be some around somewhere!

  3. Very nice ombre! I am also a lover of gray!! I love all shades of gray! :)

    1. I find a lighter grey is very wearable- definitely one of my most reached for shades when I want something easy to wear.

  4. I don't know whether to comment on here, or your blog LOL! But I will do it here. I have yet to do an ombre, but I super like this greyscale one! Nice guest post!

  5. this is such a cool mani!! i love love love grey!

  6. I am so happy Kas and George invited you to guest blog! Otherwise, I may not have heard of you! I am in love with this mani! Greys are so refreshing! I love greys, but for some reason, I only own one grey polish. You have convinced me that I need more! Of course, Domo brightens the pictures up, too!

    1. I'm so glad you liked my guest post! And I definitely think grey is a classic staple in a manicure wardrobe. ;)

  7. Yay, glad to see Domo make an appearance!

    1. I figured a guest post wouldn't be complete without him!


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