Friday 18 May 2012

Zoya Phoebe

Now I know people are kind of split when it comes to matte, but not me.  Love it!  (Well so long as it doesn't look like dry, chalky paint).  Matte polishes are my go to when I have nothing else to wear and I'm in a rush.  These nails were actually done less than 30 minutes before I hat to go out.

Phoebe is a shimmery, bright blue polish.  The shimmer really helps in making sure it doesn't look like paint.  I used 3 coats in this.  Which is a bit more than I usually use with my mattes (2 coats).  But it applied like a dream.  I also usually use base coat.  I find they last longer.  I also decided to use topcoat this time round.

I wore these for 3 days without noticeable wear then I jacked them up when one of them chipped and I tried to fix them.  I also forgot to put base coat on this time round and decided to just let it be.  My nails looked horrid when I took it off.  This greenish colour.  Sexy.

 No topcoat
 No topcoat
 Top coat
Top coat

What are your feelings on matte polishes?  Please answer in 100-150 words.  You will be marked on spelling.  It's also worth 20% of your final grade.  Just so you know and you don't come complaining to me wondering where your mark cam from.


  1. Gorgeous shade! I love matte manis!

  2. This is gorgeous! Really like it with the top coat :)

  3. I just got this and cant wait to try it! Looks fabulous in you!!

  4. I LOVE matte polish! I also really like doing matte jelly sandwiches :)

  5. This color is super pretty! it looks great shiny and matte :)

  6. I love this color! for some reason I love it matte better which isnt like me because Im a total shiny fiend!

    1. I agree. I think it's because it's just done so well. Enough shimmer that it doesn't fall flat. And the texture is perfection :)

  7. This is stunning!!! And your nails look amazing!

  8. WGAHRGH I need Zoya to be more accessible to me! They have such great polishes!

    Also, you have gorgeous nails! Which means I hate you just a tiny tiny bit :D (Not really though).

  9. I really like matte polishes when I first put them on. And then within an hour I start cursing them haha


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