Thursday 31 May 2012

I Haven't Changed My Nails In 9 Days...


I've been away for the past week or so (You missed me right? RIGHT?!?!).  I went to Montreal, and then I got sick right before I had to come home (Sick as in a bad cold.  Nothing to do with the booze I was consuming. That didn't get me sick.  It just made even the simplest of locks with security codes impossible to use). Which is why I haven't been on/blogging/commenting. But I'm feeling better now after a few days of nothing.

Anyways last Tuesday I put on some purple NYC polish.  It's a polish I've had for years.  It has no name. Just 120A. And to top that off I put on Max factor's Fantasy Fire.  Over the week I just put on more layers of top coat.  As I was either too tired, too sick,  or too drunk to redo my nails.

Even though I didn't swatch it when I put it on (I was far too lazy) I took photos after 7 and 9 days.  What do you think?  Not to shabby eh? Oh and I filed my nails down on day 9.  Not because they were looking worse than day 7 but because they were starting to look dull. Like I had been digging.
Day 7

Day 9

While I know this wasn't a real post I'm excited because I can use this post to say this part. I have some nail art ideas that I'm going to be doing soon that will blow you out of the water.  Literally.  So get in your tubs.

This is random, and it has nothing to do with nails.  But I've been making banana, strawberry, spinach smoothies the past few days(because all the food I ate in Montreal was beige and my arteries probably look like they're stuffed with cheese now) and these are AMAZING!  Don't let the green fool you.

Finally if you haven't been to Montreal* yet I suggest you go.  And if the picture above doesn't make you want to go I Don't know what else to say. 

*FUN FACT: On our first night in Montreal 517 protesters were arrested.


  1. 9 days? unbelievable! Your nails still look ok.

  2. haha that dolls "expression" in the last pic is priceless.


    9 days and your polish hasn't even chipped much, love it!

  4. I didn't know Montreal was such a party place haha! And I'm sure the drinking wasn't really helping you from becoming sick -_-" But I won't lecture you because I love to party too :P And that smoothie sounds really good!! I heard avocados are really good addition to smoothies as well.

    1. Haha they KNOW how to party there! Yup I agree it didn't help :P But I'm all better now :) Maybe I'll try adding some avocados next time!

  5. I love Montreal, haven't been for a few years but hopefully I'll make it back soon :D

  6. Impressive wear time! Plus, I just wanted to say I really like reading your posts - seems like you've got a fun personality! :D

  7. The nail polish looks amazing for 9 days! I don't think I've ever had nailpolish on for that long. I'm so jealous of the Max Factor

  8. I would not be able to handle 9 days! I would pick it all off around day 5!

  9. Wow, I don't remember the last time I kept the same colour on for over a week--but then again, it *is* Fantasy Fire. ;)

    I'll be in my tub!

  10. I can never make it past 2 days, lets alone 9! Amazing. And I love how it looks. Glad you're back!

    PS: Did you participate in "casseroles" when you were there?

    1. No I didn't participate :P But we were a bit worried one night because we had a show to do (not at Pussy Corps) and it started at 8. Which was when they started banging every night (again I'm still not talking about Pussy Corps). Luckily it was not a problem.

  11. That color combo looks dope! I've been trying to make it out to Montreal for awhile, this post has only fueled my need, lol.

  12. Wow I can't believe that's 9 days wear!! Mine would never look that good


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