Monday 21 May 2012

Fun with striping tape and the new China Glaze Summer Neons...

So not too long ago I received some striping tape, and I made my first attempt at a mani with it, and I think it went decidedly.... Okay.  It's not great, but not bad.  I'd give it a solid B!

I used the three China Glaze Summer Neons that I picked up(Sun-kissed, I'm With The Lifeguard, and Surfin' For Boys) and my favourite Orly Liquid Vinyl.  Sure, the idea's not exactly original, but it's really fun and I certainly enjoyed wearing it.

Once I figure out how to take the tape off more effectively, I think I'll be a lot better(see: the spot on my index finger..).  So there'll be lots of these in my future until I get it perfect.

Do you guys like doing tape manis like this?  Any tips you can give me on getting better?
If not, any fun colour combos you'd like to see?


  1. I really like this! Nice job!

  2. I love the contrast between the black and neons

  3. I really need to get this striping tape stuff...where do you get it? I think because the tape got all messed up it really goes with the look! But for the future, it might be helpful if you removed the tape while the nail polish is wet :)

    1. I got it from a friend who got it from ebay!

      Yeah, I took it off when it was wet, what I had trouble with was the fact that sometimes the layers of tape got a bit mangly. But you live and learn! I gave Kas three rolls so I'm sure she'll be posting some tape manis soon!

  4. Love it! When I did mine, I had trouble sticking the tape on something after peeling it off my nails lol it kept getting stuck on other parts of my finger instead of the tissue I was trying to stick it on...

  5. I love it, I've always loved the black and neon combo for striping tape manis :)

  6. Neons are so fun! This turned out great!

  7. I really want to do a laser mani!


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