Friday 25 May 2012

Essie's Turquoise and Caicos + Orly's Blue Collar + Nicka K = Power Post!!!

I have had a busy couple weeks and I still have a few more days of crazy.  So this is going to be quick!!!

I rarely wear bright colours but I thought what the hey.  It's spring let's do something a bit blighter than usual. 

Essie's Turquoise and Caicos.  It's a light turquoise cream, and it was 4 coats. *sadness*.

Orly's Blue Collar.  It's a sky blue cream.  It was 2 coats and a bit goopy, but I've had it for quite some time.

Finally I covered it all in some Nicka K iridescent glitter in a clear base.  Depending on the light, and base colour the glitter could look green, blue, yellow or pink. Goopy would be an understatement.  If you don't shake the bottle and you turn it upside down the balls don't move at all.  And it dries matte.  But top coat fixes all :) (Not cuts...never put top coat in cuts!!!)

My next post will be more interesting!!!

What are some of your favourite spring colours?


  1. This is plenty interesting to me! Great color combo & sparkles--perfect. :)

  2. Love both colors!! Your nails look awesome!

  3. Both of these color are beautiful!


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